Random Matrix Theory, Algorithms & Applications @ FoCM’14
FoCM 2014 brings together mathematicians, numerical analysts, computer scientists and engineers all interested in a deeper understanding of mathematics and the computational process.
We are organizing a workshop on random matrix theory, algorithms and applications at FoCM 2014 that focuses on the theory and applications of random matrices. It is unique in the sense the “users” and “producers” of random matrix theory from the entire breadth of science and engineering are being brought together. Additional details will be posted shortly.
Our speakers will speak about the role of random matrices in a variety of areas that include statistical signal processing, machine learning, numerical algorithms, analysis, wireless communications, array processing, computational electromagnetics, uncertainty quantification, optics, and multivariate statistics.
List of Speakers
- Charles Bordenave (Toulouse)
- Folkmar Bornemann (Munich)
- Ken Golden (Utah)
- Antonio Lerario (Purdue)
- Matthew McKay (Hong Kong)
- Jamal Najim (Paris)
- Maciej Nowak (Jagiellonian)
- Sheehan Olver (Sydney)
- Patrick Perry (NYU)
- Brian Rider (Temple)
- Gregory Schehr (Paris)
Schedule and Abstracts
Click here
Semi-plenary speakers
- Ken Golden (17.35 – 16.25, December 15) – “Random matrices and the Melting of Polar Ice Caps”
- Charles Bordenave (15.35 – 16.25, December 16) – “Non-backtracking spectrum of random graphs”
- Folkmar Bornemann (17.05 – 17.55, December 17) – “New Formulae Relating Finite GOE and LUE — from Numerical Experiments to Proofs”
Related workshops at FoCM’14
- Workshop A2 Computational harmonic analysis, image and signal processing (Dec. 11-13)
- Workshop C4: Numerical linear algebra (Dec. 18-20)
- Workshop C5: Special functions and orthogonal polynomials (Dec. 18-20)
Related plenary speakers
- Yi Ma
- Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein